What we do


Businesses come to us because they want to improve their sustainability. No matter where you start your journey from or how far you want to go, we can guide you one step at a time to achieve your sustainability objectives. We can help you reduce your operational costs, win awards for your sustainability work and inspire your workforce. Find out more about our work below.

Infographic of journey stages: 1. Measure emissions, 2. set targets, 3. investigate options, 4. implement changes, and 5. see reduced impact

Our Process

We work with businesses and other organisations on a wide range of resource efficiency and sustainability projects. We have outlined how we work with most of our clients below, but all our work is tailored to match your current priorities and business goals.

1. Get in Touch

We work with you to identify and define the support that will be of most benefit and value to your organisation.

2. Gather Information

We gain an in-depth understanding of your business and conduct reviews and assessments to identify the best opportunities for implementing more sustainable practices. We always consider and quantify the financial and business case for any options open to you.

3. Receive recommendations

We provide clear reports and further guidance to help you prioritise and implement any changes and improvements. We may also be able to help you access funding support to help with any investment costs and walk you through the next steps on your sustainability journey.

Types of Support

For short-term or routine work.

This can cover elements such as:

  • Resource Efficiency Support*
  • Compliance with environmental legislation checks
  • Guidance on environmental sections in tender applications
  • Team awareness sessions and workshops
  • Support towards achieving and demonstrating Carbon Net Zero

*Scottish SMEs may be eligible to receive funded support relating to energy efficiency under the Business Energy Scotland program

For longer term or more complex projects

This can cover elements like:

  • Net Zero Strategy and Reduction Roadmap
  • ESOS compliance
  • SECR compliance
  • Tender preparation support (recognising your sustainability successes)
  • Corporate Sustainability Reporting
  • Advanced Resource Efficiency support
  • Circular economy projects
  • Tailored company support